Thursday, December 27, 2018

100 Books in 2019

While I don't think that we should only set goals beginning January 1st, I do love setting goals for the New Year. Every year for the past 4 years, I've set a goodreads reading challenge. My goal number has ranged from 90 to 100 books depending on the year. During my highest year, I read 70ish books. More often, I run in the low 60s.

This year I thought about setting my goal in the 60s because, realistically, that is a goal that I can reach with little extra effort.

But, then, I decided that this year I am going to set my goal at 100.

For several reasons.

First, because I do actually like to read. (Surprise.)

Second, because I want to read more.

The first year that I set my goal for 100, I read drastically more than I did the prior year. When I had free time, I was more likely to spend it reading rather than wasting my time with something that didn't truly make me happy (AKA scrolling through social media).

So, I'm setting a goal that I am probably not going to achieve. And, I'm ok with that.

Setting a huge goal like this helps me to do more of something that I love. One problem that people have with New Year's Resolutions is that we feel bad later when we don't meet them. But, that's not how I want to handle resolutions this year.

Why not make wildly ambitious goals? Goals where even if I only make it halfway, I still have something to be proud of?

This year, I am going to make optimistic resolutions. And, I am going to celebrate my progress regardless of how far I go.

Reading 100 books is going to be one of my wildly ambitious goals for the year. I'll be keeping track on a paper printable which I made (and which you can download too if you'd like.) I'll post updates here on the blog as well as on instagram as I finish each book.

Is anyone else including a reading challenge in your goals for this year? I'd love have a group of people to try this with (even if you aren't setting yours at 100).

What are your wildly ambitious goals for 2019, book-related or otherwise?

Find me on Goodreads.

More bookish download available on my Etsy shop.

Update: See the Quarter One Progress and Quarter Three Progress

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